About Us


The Next Level of Real Estate Consulting

In 2015, J2H was founded with the mission to redefine the meaning of owner representation and provide the next level of real estate consulting for companies of all sizes.

At J2H, we think of your capital as our own, and look to build the strongest project teams for the best results. Schedule, cost and quality are important, but so is your client experience.

Partners of J2H Partners

We focus on building a culture of economically responsible partners while exceeding expectations with our hands-on approach.

Partners of J2H Partners

Why J2H?

Real Experience

With decades of experience in all facets of commercial real estate, our team successfully manages projects of all complexities from conception to completion. We only provide executives who have the proper expertise to support your project enabling you to get the most out of every dollar spent.

Real Solutions

Because we have been involved in all aspects of the business, we understand the internal dynamics, as well as the external market challenges, many real estate projects face. We are committed to providing the best people, with the right experience, to reach your desired outcome.

Real Value

With J2H, you save time and money with speed to market, preventing loss of productivity. We mitigate the inherent risk in real estate projects through effective planning, cost analysis, project management and flawless execution. We get the job done right – the first time.

Who We Are

Meet the J2H Team